Short Videos

tips and strategies for teachers and parents on how to help kids learn.

Learning & The Social Brain

"... For most children, the implications of the research on the social brain are clear. 'There’s something about being in the the presence of another human being' that drives human learning, says Kuhl. 'Without the motivation and information provided by the social brain, learning just doesn’t take off in the same way that it does when the social brain is engaged'” (Merrill, 2022). 

60-Second Strategies: 32 Videos

These videos "break down effective classroom practices in literally one minute" (Math, 2022).  

Classroom Management & Student Engagement: 17 Videos

"Educators share how to keep it all together in class in these short video tips" (Model, 2022).

Behavior Management Strategies: 8 Videos

"When you see a teacher in complete control of their classroom, what's their secret? Here behaviour expert and experienced teacher Sue Cowley answers this question as well providing more great advice on tricky subjects such as what a teacher should do if they feel they've completely lost control of their classroom" (Every, 2022). 


Every, S. (2022). Behaviour management strategies [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Math, S. (2022). 60-Second Strategies [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Merrill, S. (2022). Learning and the Social Brain. Edutopia; George Lucas Educational Foundation.

Model, S.-C. (2022). Classroom Management and Student Engagement [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.